Month of Giving
The Emerson Enrichment Fund Month of Giving Campaign!
Happening September 1st through 30th.
Emerson’s September “Month of Giving” Campaign is a direct request to families and our neighborhood to help fund key programs not supported by state & local funding. We do not want to lose any programs that enrich the education of all students at Emerson!
With ever-increasing pressure on district funds and less funding from the state, our PTA is setting out to help bridge the resource gap at Emerson.
The month of September is the ONLY time the Fundraising Committee asks directly for money. Making a donation to Emerson is an easy & helpful way to offer support from home and uplift our community during these unusual times.
Donations directly support students.
Every dollar that the PTA raises goes towards funding academic, support, and enrichment programs like
- Reading Intervention
- Wellness Grants for Families
- Technology
- The Library Program
- Gardening
- Music
- Mini Grants for staff
- Teacher Supplies
- Professional Development
- Field Trips
- PTA committees and events
- And more!
An equity focused community.
As an equity focused school, we are not here to set some large dollar amount as a goal**, nor are we requesting 100% participation. We only ask that if you can, and are able to give, please consider making a one time or recurring monthly donation during the month of September to help support ALL students at Emerson. As our school and neighborhood continues to gentrify, we want to acknowledge the systems that make this kind of ask difficult and not possible for all our families. This is especially true during these difficult times. So again, please participate, but only if it makes sense for you and your family to do so.
Ways to give.
- Click the Donate Now button to make a direct donation, with a credit, debit card, PayPal, or Venmo. Or mail a check to the school.
- If you are an incoming TK/K family, please consider giving the amount of one more month of your preschool tuition.
- Please check with your work and/or community organizations for donation matches.
- Consider asking friends, families or community members who might be interested & able to support our school.
- Can't donate now? That's okay! You can donate to the Emerson Enrichment Fund anytime of year.
You can make a one-time or recurring donation on our page anytime. This month of giving is just an ask that will allow us to collect funds up front, so we can ensure continuous programing this year.
Two Easy Ways to Donate:
Make a one-time or monthly donation online through our web link with a debit, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo account:
Donate Now -
You can also, always write a check!
Checks can be mailed to:
Emerson Oakland PTA Treasurer c/o Emerson Elementary
4803 Lawton Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609.
Make checks out to:
Emerson Oakland PTA
Any contributions big or small will go far in giving all of our students access to these great programs and a nourishing elementary school experience.
Thank you for any and all donations!!!
The Emerson PTA is a non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our tax-ID number is: