Emerson Enrichment Fund
Be A Friend of Emerson. Invest in Your Children – Invest in Oakland.
The Emerson Oakland PTA (Parent Teacher Association) raises money for the Emerson Enrichment fund, which pays for school needs big and small not covered by the school budget - from essential things like books and classroom supplies to the extras that enrich students' lives, like field trips and music programs. We can't do it without you - your tax-deductible donation ensures that our kids keep on getting the things they need to thrive. Your donation helps sustain our success.
October Month of Giving Campaign
During the month of October, we ask Emerson families and friends to donate directly to the school. For families who can, please consider donating during this time, large of small, these donations go a long way to help support programing for our students.
The school budget does not cover many of Emerson's vital needs. The PTA does - with your support. Here’s a sampling of the essential programs, activities and clubs the PTA funds or supports:
- Teacher and staff mini-grants for events and supplies
- Computers and technology equipment
- Library books
- Music program
- Gardening program
- Outdoor education
- Field trips
- And more!
Sharing is Caring
Please consider asking friends, family, or businesses to help us support this cause. These donations go directly to support Oakland students and families.
Matching Donations
Check with your employer to see if they will provide a tax-deductible corporate match!
If you need a receipt or assistance with forms for corporate matching contact : treasurer@emersonoaklandpta.org
Two Easy Ways to Donate:
Make a one-time or monthly donation online through our web link with a debit, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo account:
Donate Online
- Write a Check:
You can also always write us a check.
Checks can be mailed to:
Emerson Oakland PTA Treasurer c/o Emerson Elementary
4803 Lawton Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609.
Make checks out to:
Emerson Oakland PTA
Any contributions big or small will go far in giving all of our students access to these great programs and a nourishing elementary school experience.
Thank you for any and all donations!!!
The Emerson PTA is a non-profit organization and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our tax-ID number is:
Thank You!
Thank you in advance for your tremendous support. Our community has excelled because of people who take action to ensure our children have a great experience in Oakland public schools!