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School-Parent Contract

The school-parent contract for the current year, followed by a link to the downloadable document, below.


Emerson Elementary School

This School-Parent Compact has been jointly developed with parents and family members and outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share in the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State of California’s high academic standards.


The school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of its ability: 

  1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the students served under Title I, Part A to meet the State of California’s challenging academic standards. 
    1. Emerson implements a standards-aligned curriculum in all core subject areas.
    2. Teachers have weekly professional learning and collaboration to build practices that serve all students and students served under Title 1. 
  2. Hold parent-teacher conferences during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. 
    1. This happens 3x/year, teachers report on the progress of students, and parents have opportunities to engage with questions. 
  3. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress and assistance in understanding the state’s academic content standards and assessments and how to monitor and improve their children's achievement. 
    1. The school hosts parent-teacher conferences multiple times a year. 
    2. Teachers host parent education nights multiple times/year. 
  4. Provide parents with reasonable access to staff. 
    1. The school hosts parent-teacher conferences multiple times a year. 
    2. Teachers communicate weekly with families regarding goals and schedules for the week. 
    3. Teachers host weekly office hours for parents to drop in with questions.
    4. Principal hosts a monthly coffee chat. 
  5. Provide all parents and family members, including those with limited English proficiency and those with disabilities, with opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and observe classroom activities. 
    1. All families are encouraged to volunteer regularly in a variety of capacities once cleared through The Oakland Education Fund School Volunteer process: serving on School Site Council, supporting in-class activities, field trips, PTA activities, and supporting outdoor play and recess time 
  6. Provide parents with materials and training to help them improve their children's academic achievement. 
    1. Regular newsletters/communications via email and text are shared with families for updates on students' progress and tips for engaging students in learning at home. 
  7. Educate staff members on the value of parent and family member contributions and on how to work with parents and family members as equal partners. 
    1. As a staff, we engage in professional learning about best practices for engaging family members as equal partners. 
  8. Ensure regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand. 
    1. Using ParentSquare as our main point of communication, teachers and school staff send regular updates about learning. Texts are translated into the preferred family language. This is a two-way form of communication, and families and teachers use this regularly. 
    2. Weekly Office Hours also allow for regular time for teachers and staff to have meaningful communication. 


  • Be an advocate for everyone at Emerson and in our surrounding community
  • Communicate with families about student progress through family conferences
  • Encourage students to be independent readers, writers, mathematicians, historians, and scientists 
  • Embed positive behavior systems and instructional support into all aspects of the learning environment in order to ensure physical and emotional safety for all students
  • Provide rigorous instruction for all learners while also supporting their individual needs
  • Provide resources to parents and teachers that will assist in the improvement of student achievement
  • Support and encourage family involvement by offering family activities
  • Provide time and routines for students to check out books in order to complete 30min. of daily reading and a daily reading log 


As a parent, I will support my child’s learning in the following ways: 

  • Volunteer in my child’s classroom if possible. 
  • Promote positive use of my child’s extracurricular time. 
  • Remember that I am my child’s first and most important teacher 
  • Ensure that my child attends school on time every day and gets adequate sleep (8-10 hrs.) 
  • Listen and discuss with my child events of the school day 
  • Make an effort to attend school activities and volunteer at school 
  • Make positive use of extracurricular time 
  • Participate, as appropriate, in decisions related to the education of my children
  • Provide a quiet place to learn at home 
  • Support my child to read 20-30 minutes a day at home and sign their reading log
  • Do my best to take my child to the public library to check out high-interest books.
  • Support the school in its efforts to help my child learn to resolve conflicts positively and understand the consequences of their actions 
  • Know the school and classroom rules and ensure that my child complies with them 


As a student, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability: 

  • Allow all those around me the right to learn. 
  • Always do my personal best and use active listening 
  • Come to school rested, on time, and ready to learn 
  • Follow all behavior expectations; be safe, respectful, and responsible
  • Know and follow school and class rules 
  • Read at home for 30min. daily and complete my reading log 
  • Work independently 

This Compact was adopted by Emerson Elementary School on September 7, 2022, and will be in effect for the period August 8, 2021, to May 27, 2023. 

The school will distribute the Compact to all parents and family members of students participating in the Title I, Part A program on or before September 30th of the current year. 

Principal’s Name

Shawn Stibbins

Download the document