About Us
Welcome to Emerson Elementary School! The Emerson school community consists of students, teachers, families, staff members, volunteers and community members who care deeply about children, their success and well being.
Emerson follows the OUSD curriculum and we are focused on meeting the needs of a diverse population. The school serves over 300 children in Transitional Kindergarten through Fifth grade. We have a robust special education program serving students with a variety of needs both in our full-time special education classes and through an inclusion class. Emerson offers a speech and language therapist and part-time nurse and counseling services on site. Our regular classroom activities are supplemented by a variety of enrichment opportunities such as dance, music, visual art, gardening, and weekly library time. An active group of community volunteers assist in classrooms and around the school.
Contact Us
4803 Lawton Avenue
Oakland, CA 94609
Our Vision
Emerson prepares students for lifelong success by embracing and nurturing the whole child. We create learning environments centered around students, facilitated by teachers, and supported by families and our community, so that every child grows and succeeds.
Our Mission
We are a relationship-centered school:
students are known, valued and celebrated.
We are committed to equity:
we eliminate racial, socioeconomic and gender inequities through culturally relevant learning experiences.
We support all students:
academic and social emotional programs meet students where they are and accelerate them forward.
We are a learning community:
with a learning stance, we use inquiry and reflection to improve our practice.